"Today is an Interval Workout -- all about consistency. Work to keep every round the same, or FASTER. Sart at a conservative pace, but complete every set unbroken. Take easy, smooth transitions on the first round. Take a few deep breaths between movements to control pace and maintain quality.
For the deadlift, choose a weight that allows continuous movement while breathing -- you shouldn't be bracing too hard (the weight shouldn't be super heavy). Jumping Jacks and Plank Marches should be done smooth and consistent, in the groove. For the core hold, keep it HIGH quality. Don't slack off here. When you hit the rest period you should feel like you EARNED it. If you feel like the rest is too short, you didn't go at the appropriate pace (you went too slow). WEIGHT: For Deadlifts use anything with a handle (and that you have 2 of) and perform like you would a dual Kb Deadlift. If you have a Kb then do a Kb Deadlift. You can also use a backpack, sandbag, bag of dog food etc., and perform like a Kb Deadlift (Between legs, Sumo)."
"Today it's an Accumulate workout. As fast as possible, accumulate your work, however you like. Two ways to approach this 1) break this up into rounds to make the reps more manageable, 2) complete all reps in the order shown. The former will tax your aerobic system, while the latter will be more muscular endurance, and a LOT more difficult. Either way, keep movements smooth and consistent. If the technique gets sloppy, break and rest.
WEIGHT: For Plank Row you can use a can of soup, bottle of water (or sand) , anything you can hold on to and row. For the Front Step Lunges if you want to add weight hold a backpack, sandbag, or anything, Be Creative. Plank Rows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPVTRwGmBho Russian Twists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_E0ghbrx3A Explosive Pushups: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvgV8W98inA Use a Bumper Plate, book, wallball, slamball, DB, backpack, sandbag or whatever you can find that works for the Ground to Overhead. Hold it in your hands, touch the floor with it, then raise it over your head (like a Devil's press or Muscle Snatch). Make the ab movement more difficult by moving slowly through the movement. Move consistently through this with little rest between movements. Your shoulder and core will get taxed quick with the Ground to OH so keep your movement steady. Work to keep sets unbroken throughout.
You should be familiar with this rep scheme already, but instead of stopping at 9 you will make your way back up to 21. Way more fun! This means that you need to approach it a little differently than a traditional 21-15-9. Move smooth and steady through the Man-makers, try not to stop moving through all these sets. After your man-makers take a few deep breaths before starting the thrusters. Weight should be light enough to do 21 unbroken, but heavy enough to be uncomfortable. You can break up your Thrusters if you legs feel fatigued, but limit each round to only 2 sets. Work to stay consistent with your movement and pace throughout the workout. OBJECT: If you have a Barbell, Dumbbells, or Kettlebells then use those for the thrusters. If you don't have conventional equipment you can use a sandbag, loaded backpack, 2 Water jugs (or anything with handles). Get creative! Note: Arms out to the side for the circles, going backwards slowly, adding speed as you go through them all. Standing tall, pull you foot back, point your knee to the ground, and push your hip forward to stretch out that quad and hip flexor. For the workout the goal is to match or better your score. Move at a pace that works without stopping. Plank Build starts in a tall plank, then sinks onto the forearms, then push back up. (R) down (L) down (R) up (L) up is 1 rep. Lean back and sit up right on the Russian twist and hold something in your hands -- feet off the ground to make it harder. If you can scale up to curtsy lunges, do so by holding something at your chest. Today is so simple, but so deadly. You don't need any equipment except maybe a table or chair if you want to make the bodybuilders easier. Breathing is the name of the game. Breathe through each part of this. On the 8 count bodybuilders, don't rush. These are NOT burpees -- each pushup should be done perfectly and with control. When you're in the plank position and jumping your feet out, stay STABLE. Don't sacrifice form. As you move through, breathing will be a factor ... BREATHE through. Pushup fatigue will come, and that's ok -- manage the fatigue, slow down the pace... but KEEP MOVING. If you have a heart rate monitor, wear it. We have a fun one today, mostly because of the Dead-lifts and how you can add weight -- just like Friday with the Glute Bridges you have some choices. You can use water jugs in each hand (or something like it with handles) or a backpack with weight added (books) and perform your Dead-lifts more like a KB Dead-lift. Again, get creative! If you have a KB, or a Barbell, use it! But pick a weight that you can do consistently for the entire minute, keep it smooth. Try to continuously move on the Lunges, it's going to burn...a lot, but keep it moving. Keep the Hollow Hold tight, break and rest as needed within the minute to maintain quality. Notice the workout is the same for yellow, orange and blue as they have reverse lunges. Purple and Brown both have jumping lunges. If you are new to our workouts and don't understand the different color levels, call one of our trainers and they would be happy to explain how our program is designed to help you get the best results for your fitness level. Today we have a nice full body workout that hits the legs, upper body and core. WHITE-ORANGE You'll need a chair or table and a yoga mat (carpet, hardwood, and tile can be tough to plank on). Start at a comfortable pace and hold it. BLUE+ No equipment needed for this, but a yoga mat would be nice -- carpet, hardwood, and tile can be tough to plank on. Start at a comfortable pace and hold it. The reps go up each time, and the pushups can accumulate quickly, so stay conservative. :) Welcome to Home Workout Day 1 with CFG. This is the new normal for all of us for the next few weeks. Thanks for being such and awesome crew during this transition. Here is your workout for the day. Quality of movement is going to be our number one focus. A yoga mat is all you need for today's workout (and that's really just for comfort.) You can accumulate these reps in any way you choose. I recommend breaking it up into rounds, but if you want to make it as hard as possible for yourself then go straight through as written. Regardless of your strategy take this opportunity to focus on movement quality. Rest as needed, but work to stay steady the entire workout. If you want to add weight to the Glute Bridges, stack some books (or anything) on your hips, GET CREATIVE! |