Today we have an AMRAP of Running, Pushups, Sit-ups, and Squats. Basic movements, but don't let it deceive you. When you start the workout, run for 20 sec in one direction at a quick, sustainable pace; use that as a guideline for the turnaround point for every run. Pace this steadily -- breath rate should stay high throughout. Don't hold your breath on any portion, and focus on moving consistently and smoothly. Do Sit-ups & Squats steady & unbroken throughout the workout -- high quality reps only! Keep in mind that you'll be moving for 16 minutes, so don't rush the first round.
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Today we are doing work for time, followed by work NOT for time -- ie Quality work. Your For Time workout is going to be over pretty quick, if you have a KB or DB use it in place of the backpack. Keep sets unbroken and smooth if possible. Keep your breathing high, and don't hold your breath. Choose a load on the swings so the first set isn't too tough, but enough that by round 4 you're feeling some fatigue (in a good way). Perfect reps only! Once you've rested to 15 (you can start sooner if you feel good) move onto Rows and Side Planks -- take your time! Keep your scaps retracted for every rep on the rows. If you feel your scap engagement wavering then take a second to reset before your next rep. Expect your side planks to get difficult quickly. If you are in a set and start losing position, take a break and then finish the rest of the 30 sec.
Quality days are all about, you guessed it, QUALITY. We're set to 20 minutes, but the 20 minute clock should in no way have you rushing. Imagine that each of these sets and movements are going to be judged for the 'perfectness' of their execution. We have a nice variety today -- a mix of strength, core stability & anaerobic sprints. Approach each station with new focus. For Sumo Dead-lifts, use something heavy enough to matter -- move with control and increase the number of reps if you can't increase the load. L-Sit should be tight and unwavering. If your position fails, break and rest before jumping back in. The Pull-ups (or Lying Pull Downs) will be done smooth and controlled with a pause at the top and bottom of the movement. Burpees should be done in less than about 20 sec. Stay focused, stay controlled -- and HAVE FUN! WEIGHT: Use anything that you can comfortably hold in the sumo position. Couch corner, Backpack, Duffle-bag, or Luggage will work fine.
Today we have ascending and descending sets of unbroken Double-unders and Plank. When you see "Unbroken" in a workout, you've got to pay special attention to your pacing, especially when there's a penalty involved. Take an assessment of yourself before each set, so you can be sure to hit it unbroken. If you do break, move right to the step-ups, and go steady, don't rush. Overly fatiguing yourself on the Box Step-ups will lead to more breaks and more penalties. You had Double-under practice recently, and now its time to put what you learned to use! Remain calm in your sets and focus on limiting unnecessary movement. Anything you do will be amplified by the rope and end up catching somewhere on your body -- making a beautiful welt. If you do break, take a breath and let any frustration melt. Frustration leads to more misses and more frustration, so it's an opportunity to take a step back and reset. WEIGHT: For the Box Step-ups grab anything that you can hold comfortably. Backpack, Luggage, get creative!
Today for all levels but WHITE you can choose your own adventure and spit up the reps for each movement however you see fit. For the best score you want to strategize. Don't wing it. Decide what you want to do before you start, and then stick to the plan. A recommendation: split everything up into 3-5 equal sets. With fewer sets you'll do fewer transitions, but the fatigue will mount faster. With more sets you'll have more transitions, but fatigue will be easier to manage. Either way, focus on movement quality, especially as you get toward the end. Every 2 minutes you will do Backpack Rows. Take your time on these and treat them as a strength set. Squeeze the back at the top of each rep and pause at the top and bottom. WEIGHT: Choose something that you can do for at least 10 reps unbroken when fresh.
Today we alternate between 2 stations (containing 2 elements) every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes. Do each station a total of 5 times -- keep this in mind as you start your first round. First is a handstand walk or bear crawl for 1 minute. Take your time & stay focused on an active core & stable shoulders. Don't go all out on this -- move consistently and manage the fatigue. Go as far as you can with perfect form in a minute -- you can also go 30 sec out, 30 sec back, or set a distance for yourself that will take about a minute. Rest if you need to, because right after the minute is up you'll move immediately to walking lunges. Feel free to load these down with some weight. You'll finish with about 20 sec of rest before moving onto the next part. Loaded Carries should be done slow & steady with a weight that taxes you. Keep the weight heavy enough so that by the end of the 1 minute you're totally ready to put the weight down. Squeeze your glutes (hard) and pull your shoulders back as much as possible to help you stay upright. As soon as you put the weight down,immediately go into a plank. Rest before your form breaks down, and if you want to load yourself, place a weight on your glutes. WEIGHT: Use a backpack or duffel bag to hold on the load walks. Anything you can bearhug comfortably will work.
Today we have some high intensity intervals, with just 2 movements. Move through the rep scheme at a strong, consistent pace. There are three intervals, separated by 2 minutes. Score each interval separately and try to get faster every time. Pace accordingly, and don't do your burpees/bodybuilders at a bat-out-of-hell pace. Keep all reps unbroken from the start, with consistent breathing. If 2 minutes feels like too much rest, you didn't go fast enough. If it feels like too little rest, you went too fast. Adjust weight on the Swings as needed, so they're taxing but allow you to maintain perfect form. Go smooth & consistent on the Burpees -- if you're jumping over your pack, stay low.
Today we have Sets for QUALITY of Glute Bridges, Rows, and Straddle Pulses. These movements are all about activation and engaging the right muscles, the right way. So stay focused on that aspect and move smoothly & consistently, taking rest between movements as need, to keep the quality very high. A pause (1 sec) at the top of your reps will go a long way. Add weight to the glute bridges to get some extra glute work in! Use something that can settle well on your hips -- backpack, sandbag, or small duffel bag/luggage, etc. For the Row, squeeze your scaps/back together at the top to maximize the movement. The Straddle Pulses will be new for most, and awkward for almost everyone. Focus on lower ab activation as you slightly raise your feet off the ground. Pressing your hands into the ground (hard) also helps.
Today we have a pyramid with 3 body-weight movements. You will have to manage muscular fatigue on this one! Break up the Pushups from the start. Unless you're experienced, it's easy exhaust early and start failing reps. If you're doing candlesticks, keep your body totally rigid. If flexibility is an issue, and it's hard for you to stand out of a candlestick, elevate your back off the ground so when you roll up it's easier to get your feet under you. Go steady on the sit-ups, and work for big sets, taking few breaks. Your reps should remain consistent in Pace and Quality from start to finish, with a good push at the end.
Today we have a 17 minute AMRAP with 5 movements. Right from the start, hold a steady pace and focus on breathing. Make the Rows tough enough so that 5 reps makes sense. Goblet/front squats should be done at a steady pace. You'll move right into 2 'breathing stations' - jumping jacks and mountain climbers. Both of these movements are tough to standardize because there's so much variation in how to do them, so simply focus on moving well and keeping your breath rate high. As soon as you finish, you're out on a steady paced run. As you reach the last 4-5 minutes, push the pace and finish strong. For Pull-ups/Rows, use anything the lets you activate your upper body pulling muscles. Keep the movement strict and adjust to make it tough.